With KSP Interstellar, how can I tell what the velocity vector will be when I turn off the warp drive


I've been trying to figure out some stuff with the KSP Interstellar, and my biggest problem is that I don't know how to enter orbit of another planet. When I leave warp, I'm basically left with a trajectory that is either sub orbital or hyperbolic (i.e. an escape trajectory), or worse than both of those, hyperbolic with a periapsis below the surface of the planet. How can I tell what my orbit will look like when I drop out of warp? I'd really like to be able to drop out of warp directly into a stable orbit.

Best Answer

If you're talking about the alcubierre warp drive, the idea with that is that is creates a bubble around you for the duration of the warp and after you come out of the warp you have the exactly same velocity vector as before entering warp. The warp drive just adds a temporary speed increase and removes it after you stop it.