World-of-warcraft – a value in food that I should eat during sitting

world of warcraft

Minor healing potion restores 120 health
Linen bandage: 96 health during 6 seconds
Spice bread: restores 96 health over 18 seconds, must remain seated while eating.

What is a value in food that I should eat during siting? The only problem with health I have is during the battle, otherwise a have no problem with health.

What is a point to sit and eat when you have enough health?

Best Answer

I suspect that the reason you don't see the value of food is that you're playing a low level character, and thus, benefitting from the substantially faster out-of-combat health regen afforded to low level characters. As you level up, you'll find that you regenerate health out of combat much more slowly, and you'll want to use food to speed things up and reduce your downtime between fights.

The advantage of food over bandages or potions is that food 1) is substantially cheaper and easier to acquire in large quantities 2) restores substantially more health, faster, and 3) does not invoke any sort of cool down, whereas bandages and potions do.