World-of-warcraft – all the legacy justice / honor vendors

world of warcraft

Since I've played only BC and MoP, I haven't been able to get nice-looking sets for transmogrification. Recently I discovered that there are more set vendors ("Legacy" Vendors) than the ones in Stormwind or Orgrimmar.

The known vendors I know are:

  • Stormwind (Honor and Justice Vendors, Champion's Hall and SI:7)
  • Tanaris (Honor Vendor, several PVP sets, up to Relentless)
  • The Argent Tournament Grounds (Justice Vendor, only 1 set)
  • Dalaran (Justice Vendors, some PVP sets for Justice, Tier Tokens, Heirlooms)
  • Isle of Quel'danas (Honor and Justice Vendors, some PVP sets)

There must be other legacy vendors that can give you some sets for transmogging for either honor or justice. Do you know the location of the remaining ones?

Best Answer

There are legacy JP vendors in Dalaran, Icecrown Citadel, Orgrimmar, and Stormwind.

Legacy arena gear is available in Tanaris and Dalaran. Honor Quartermasters are present in Orgrimmar, Tanaris, Stormwind, Valley of the Four Winds, Kun-Lai Summit, and Dalaran.

I believe this lists all quartermasters that sell gear for justice or Honor. There are other quartermasters, but all sell either tier gear (need tier tokens from raids) or rep gear (need to grind rep then purchase with gold/valor).

Hope this helps!


There is also Kezzik the Striker out in Netherstorm that sells arena gear from seasons 1, 2, and 3.