World-of-warcraft – command that displays a message in the screen

world of warcraft

The only way I found to display a message is in the chat window. I'm looking to display some much bigger and hopefully screen-centered text (visible to yourself only).

Is there such a command available?

Thank you.

Well… I'm trying to make a ganking addon (I know it's bad). You store your last victim into a variable and constantly spam that macro to detect if he's back alive and display a message.

Best Answer

You can use the API to create dialogs or just bare text

A dialog: /run message("This is a basic dialog box")

Text: /run UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage("Your Message Here", 1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 3); Colored orange (1.0, 0.5, 0.0) and 3 seconds long.

If the UIErrorsFrame isn't big enough for you, you could create your own frame in the \run script and display text there, but I don't know how to do that at the moment :P