World-of-warcraft – Cost efficient enchanting profession levelling

world of warcraft

I have been using an add-on called Auctionator to quickly find materials for my enchanting profession on the auction house. It provides a button on the enchanting skill window that allows me to automatically search the auction house for materials I can buy for a specific enchantment or item.

I have been leveling my enchanting profession by setting the enchanting skill filter to "has skill up" and using Auctionator to find the materials for the enchantment that provides the strongest skill up. This works well for me, but because of the varying price of materials it can be quite time consuming to work out the most cost efficient enchantment to use.

Is there a better way to find the best deal.

Best Answer

When using an auctioning Addon, you can always do an entire scan of the servers market. then you should have the current price for all items you can craft.

That way you don't have to re-scan every time you select that item.

Prices fluctuate over the weekend, after Raid id resets is the best time to sell enchants, because most people get new gear on those days.

Same rule applies to potions/flasks etc.

As for Auctionator, give Auctioneer a try, i find it a bit clearer and the entire scan is quicker. Also in auctioneer you can create a "shopping list" with all the items you want to craft and do 1 scan over all those items.