World-of-warcraft – Do new WoW players benefit from learning crafting professions

world of warcraft

I AFK'ed from WoW 6 years ago and now play again, starting new characters from scratch.

Compared to back then, the material price in AH is magnitudes higher. This makes gathering professions much more profitable, especially for new players. But at the same time, it makes crafting professions much more costly to level, not to mention the intermediate products don't sell at all.

It appears to me that, given the number of players who have already maxed out these professions, buying the final products (even at a sky-high price) is still cheaper than the cost to level the profession on my own.

Is it really so or I missed something?

Best Answer

I think you are missing the whole point of professions on the long run: unique bonuses. Actual crafting products are almost useless today. You either use quest/dungeon/raid gear on your main or high level character(s), or heirloom gear on your low level rerolls.

Losing money because of professions is actually worth it if you manage to level them enough to benefit from their unique bonuses.

And gathering professions' bonuses do not scale well with your item level. On the other hand, Blacksmithing is king: new sockets are worth more and more every time you get better gems.

The best thing to do, if you care about optimization, is to teach your main character professions with the best bonuses (which happen to be crafting professions), and to turn a reroll or two into gatherers to get the mats.

If you don't, well, there is no best thing to do. Just do whatever.