World-of-warcraft – Does LFR loot in Mists account for a role/spec mismatch

world of warcraft

In Mists of Pandaria LFR, loot is won individually and rewarded according to spec. However, what happens if I queue as a healer, and participate in the kill as DPS?

For example: I'm a druid with a Feral and Resto spec. I queue as a healer (presumably to get a shorter queue time), but I kill the boss doing DPS in my Feral spec. This being LFR, the other 5 healers have no issue making up for my lack of healing (provided they are not doing the same thing I am).

Assuming the relevant items on the boss loot table are leather agility wrists and a spirit ring, will I be awarded the wrists or the ring?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, no.

Potential loot from boss drops in LFR look only at your current spec.

Blizz Quote:

Second, the item you win will be “useful” in the sense that it’s potentially usable by your current spec. This does not mean that warriors will get leather because warriors can equip leather (at a huge stat loss). It also does not mean that the game will always give you an item you want or an upgrade for the items you have. It just looks and says “You are a Holy priest, so here is a random item chosen from the Holy priest-appropriate items that this boss can drop.”

The potential bonus roll follows the same rules.