World-of-warcraft – How are the World of Warcraft expansions related

world of warcraft

I played vanilla WoW some years ago. I have lost my account and my cd-key, so would have to "start from scratch" if I decide to pick it up again. I've been reading some about the new Cataclysm expansions and is kind of curious and thinking about trying it out.

There are several expansions now, and my question is: How are they all related? Would I have to get all of them to try out Cataclysm? If not, if I skipped out on them, what would I be missing? Can I just get a free 10-day pass to try out Cataclysm, or do the 10-day passes limit me to vanilla unless I own other expansions first? If I have only certain expansions will I still run into people who have other expansions, or would my number of expansions decide what realms I would be able to play on?

Best Answer

This question gets a bit tricky to answer... Starting from scratch, if you buy just vanilla WoW, you can experience the original world as it has been destroyed by the Cataclysm expansion. You can level up to level 60, but cannot access professions, areas, races, or other such things from any of the other expansions.

In order to access Outland, jewelcrafting profession, and Draenei? / Blood Elf races and starting areas, and level 61-70, you will need vanilla WoW + the Burning Crusade expansion.

In order to access Northrend, Inscription profession, and Death Knight class, and level 71-80, you will need vanilla Wow, Burning Crusade expansion, and Wrath of the Lich King expansion. Oh, and a prior level 55+ character on your account to play as a Death Knight.

In order to access the misc Cataclysm level 80+ areas, Archeology secondary profession, Worgen / Goblin races, and level 81-85, you will need vanilla WoW, Burning Crusade expanion, Wrath of the Lich King expansion, and the Cataclysm expansion.

Those are the restrictions. You can play on whatever realm you want with whoever you wish. You just may not be able to reach all the areas they can.

You can trial every bit of it with the 10 day trial, though I don't quite know how they treat it when your time is up.