World-of-warcraft – How much experience does a guild get per person for a boss kill

world of warcraft

How much xp does one get for a guild boss kill in cataclysm? I can't find a guide for this anywhere.

To be more specific: How much guild xp would be gained given the following circumstances? It makes more sense to record the amount of xp given per person. That way the amount of guild xp can be extrapolated exactly based on the number of guildies in the run.

  • 5 man regular dungeon (24800 xp per person, with guild lvl2)
  • 5 man heroic dungeon (37800 xp per person, with guild lvl6)
  • 10 man regular raid (27800 xp per person, with guild lvl6)
  • 10 man heroic raid
  • 25 man regular raid
  • 25 man heroic raid

Best Answer

The amount of guild experience awarded varies. It is depended on specific factors... (Source)

Guild xp for boss kills is scaled on a few factors.

  • Boss level
  • Normal / Heroic
  • Amount of guild members present (more xp for raids, since they are limited to once a week)
    • 20/25 - 25 player raid
    • 8/10 - 10 player raid,
    • 3/5 - dungeons
    • 8/25 - Old 25 and 40 man raids (Vanilla, TBC, and WOTLK)

Straight from Blizzard's Mouth (Source)

The amount of experience gained scales, with 3/5 guild members granting 50% normal guild xp, 4/5 giving 100%, and 5/5 giving 125% guild xp. The amount gained from each boss scales with your level relative to the boss's level, with Heroic bosses worth even more (1.5x). It pays off to have a full group of guild members!