World-of-warcraft – How to do guild management

world of warcraft

I've created a WoW guild last night, and I'm using all avail. guild ranks.

Guild leader
"real friends"
guild member rank 2
guild member rank 3
guild member rank 4
guild member rank 5

Now, where do I set up user rights? I want my XO and "real friends" to be able to invite others and talk in /officer. And where do i set up guild bank settings? for now i just want it to be so that only one tab is withdrawable and the others are strictly under my control (for now). no money withdrawal

Best Answer

Setting up user ranks can be done by clicking the Guild Control button on the Info tab. There's a drop-down up the top:

  • Guild Permissions lets you set what ranks can invite, talk in /guild and /officer, and withdraw money from the guild bank for repairs and personal use.
  • Bank Tab Permissions lets you configure what ranks have access to what tabs.