World-of-warcraft – How to force an enethe to dismount

world of warcraft

I play a Mage and I've noticed that, if I Polymorph a player that is mounted, they get dismounted. However, I've also noticed that it doesn't work for players that are not on the ground.

Are there any other abilities that dismount enemy players? And is there any way to dismount a flying player?

Best Answer

Dismounting flying players is no longer possible, flying targets are immune to all forms of CC. Also for a mage another certain way of dismounting is not known to me. And according to Daze a player induced daze doesn't dismount a player from his mount. So all in all, Polymorph is your only way of forcing a dismount of a player.

According to this Source dismounting other players on flying mounts will be possible again in Mists of Pandaria. But I don't have any further link to back this up.