World-of-warcraft – How to know the fire is gone on Heroic Blackhorn Fight

world of warcraft

I have done 5/8 bosses in Dragon Soul on heroic. I want to progress myself and my guild to Heroic Deathwing before MoP comes out, but I always have trouble on the heroic ship. Would like some tips on how to know when fire is actually out, (animation is supposedly bugged) and overall tips or secrets that might make this fight easier. Thanks

Best Answer

I assume you are talking about phase 2.

The strategy my guild uses (25 man) pretty much avoids dealing with moving from shadow/leftover fire in phase 2. We have our raid stand on the edge of the ship on the grey part, fires can not spawn here. Tanks in the middle and the rest of the raid should split evenly either side of Warmaster and the drake.

Raid collapses for shock wave and then runs back to normal positioning for roar. Raid members need to avoid standing in front of the drake due to breath when collapsing and melee should always be behind unless there is fire in which case either in-front(dangerous) or have the tank move to the side a little so that they can get behind the boss.