World-of-warcraft – How to switch between first and third person perspective with one button in World of Warcraft

world of warcraft

I find myself switching back and forth between first and third person perspective frequently in World of Warcraft in order to take a good screenshot or to get a better view of a distant object. To switch to first person perspective I have to keep scrolling my scroll wheel to zoom the camera all the way in, and to switch back I have to reverse scroll all the way back.

I tried using the "Save View / Set View" function that is natively supported, but there are two problems:

  1. "Save View" not only saves the camera distance, but also saves the camera angle. So while my camera is looking upward and I want to get a better view of a flying creature, pressing the "Set View" button will bring my camera to look forward.

  2. Although the desired camera distance in 1st-person view is always 0, in 3-person view the desired camera distance varies. Selecting the saved 3-person view will force me to use the camera distance used when the view is saved.

Is there a solution that allows me to press one button to switch between first and third person perspective, like the 1st-/3rd-person buttons do in many third person shooters?

Best Answer

Not sure if this helps, but...

The Home and End keys zoom between 5 different fixed presets, with Home generally zooming in and End generally zooming out.

These presets are:

  1. First Person View
  2. Third Person View short distance, from directly behind. This is the default.
  3. Third Person View short distance, 45 degree angle.
  4. Third Person View far distance, 45 degree angle.
  5. Third Person View far distance, from directly behind.