World-of-warcraft – I am stuck on the loading screen. How to get this loading again

world of warcraft

It appears this question is common but I don't see any solutions online.

I am stuck on the loading screen on my main account on WoW. I tried deleting the 3 folders mentioned here and tried repair.exe and restarted my comp. No luck.

What can I do to get this loading again? I tried not touching my comp and waited 3+ minutes on the loading screen but still no luck.

Best Answer

Sometimes when this happens, it means the world server itself is down -- check to make sure that you can load other characters, on other continents. For instance -- can you make a new draenei or blood elf character (hosted on the Outland world server)? Can you load characters parked in Northrend? In an instance? Do you have the same problem on a completely different server?

If you are able to do one or more of the above, it is likely the problem is either location or character specific. In either case, it is likely that time will resolve the problem, as parts of the server are brought back up. If, on the other hand, the problem persists for several days, I would try opening a ticket, or speaking to someone on the customer service forums.