World-of-warcraft – mine copper ore in WOW

world of warcraft

Where do I find copper ore to mine in WOW? They are too expensive at the auction house, and I can't seem to find it on any guides..

Best Answer

The best Areas for copper are the first 2 starting areas of each race, normally there is plenty to go around, but Bots and other Players can make the life of a Newbie very hard when it comes to gathering.


  • Elwynn Forest
  • Westfall


  • Dun Morogh
  • Loch Modan

Trolls & Orcs

  • Durotar
  • The Barrens


  • Mulgore
  • The Barrens


  • Tirisfal Glades
  • Silverpine Forest


  • Teldrassil
  • Moonglade


  • Gilneas
  • Silverpine Forest

Blood Elves

  • Eversong Woods
  • Ghostland


  • Azuremyst Isles
  • Bloodmyst Isle

Another possible solution would be to download an Addon like Gatherer, that can show you all possible spots on your minimap if so desired and if you download a premade database.

Also do not forget to enable ore tracking. You find this ability in your skillbook.