World-of-warcraft – Power leveling using a high level character in WoW

world of warcraft

I have a 80 level elemental shaman and recently my friend joined WoW. I would like to help him level up, is this possible? Can i for example take him to a dungeon (low level dung) and level him up faster than leaving him doing quests etc? I am aiming to get him up to about level 30 or so, allowing him to overcome the boring start faster. What is the best way to do this, is it even possible?

Best Answer

I'd suggest letting him play at his own pace (unless he's an experienced MMORPG player starting WoW for a specific end-game purpose such as raiding / PVP). In particular if he's new to the genre, that first time exploring the world is such an amazing time, it would be a shame to be boosted through it.

Following the 'Shattering' the starter zones have had an overhaul and are fun to play through and also give a better step by step introduction to game mechanics and how to play your class.

Also the levelling speed now is pretty crazy - people in my guild are making jokes about being level 30 by lunchtime! It's not quite that fast, but if he gets into it he'll be 30 before he knows it.