World-of-warcraft – Should I be hit/expertise capped as a tank before going to raids

world of warcraft

On my protection warrior I'm getting to the status where all my gear are either from heroic instances or are crafted epics. I'd like to begin raiding, but I'm not sure how to gem/enchant/reforge for that.

The options I can see:

  • get hit and expertise (soft) capped then focus on survivability
  • get hit and expertise to decent levels (with 1-2% miss/boss parry/boss dodge chance) then focus on survivability
  • focus solely on survivability.

In heroics I basically use the second option as I haven't reforged my gear yet. I have no problems threat-wise when the group is clever enough to give me 1 GCD worth of time before attacking.

So my question is: does it worth to get hit/expertise capped in Cataclysm for raiding?

Best Answer

Cataclysm raids are tough. The bosses hit like trains. And Realistically, after a few seconds, Vengeance makes threat pretty trivial.

Don't worry about hit/expertise. Focus on stacking Mastery to improve your survivability. In a raid setting, you'll have Tricks/MD's that can cover the first few seconds of threat for you while you get Vengeance stacked if you get a string of parries or misses.

Hold onto any Hit or Expertise gear you come across though. There are some niche/gimmick uses where you may want to stack those stats, and of course, as you begin to outgear the content, shifting stats from survival to threat always makes sense for improving your DPS and shortening encounters.