World-of-warcraft – the fastest way to farm reputation with Ramkahen on level 100

world of warcraft

They do have a Tabard, but the instance in Uldum is kind of long / a lot to walk.
So which dungeons can I actually use to farm reputation efficiently with this faction and which one is the fastest to complete since Boss rep seems to be the way to go? I am already revered and just need about 10k until exalted, however, I would like to speed things up since there seem to be only 1 daily in the entire area.

Best Answer

If I remember correctly, tabards allow you to gain reputation from "any" instance (by "any" I mean probably only the ones relevant to that expansion set). I believe you can also get a small rep amount from doing PVP as well, but don't quote me on that, I could be thinking of PVP exclusive factions like Frost Wolves (horde).

Regarding your question: There are two instances that strike me as short enough to make "quick work" of the rep farming. The two are Lost city of Tol'vir, and Throne of the tides. The trash amount is quick to deal with, and some of the bosses can be skipped completely, like the crocodile boss in Tol'Vir. None of them are actually complicated and require minimum of brainpower, even if done in heroic mode. I've tanked, healed and been DPS in both respectively, both normal and heroic mode. Crowd control is useful for both places, a friend is good to have with you to support with that, unless you can plow your way through the content without a sweat.

Tol'Vir: It counts as "outside" so you can mount larger areas of the instance, making travel swift. Trash comes in packs of 3-4, rarely more. Can easily be CC'd and dealt with that way. At least one boss can be skipped. Relatively linear path to all bosses, pretty much a 'U'shaped path. Three of the four bosses summon adds to some degree, at least in Heroic.

Throne of the tides: Pretty straight forward shape of the instance, like a cross. One boss can be skipped, has an additional boss on heroic. Trash CAN be a bit brutal if you don't watch it, but those packs are few (big, tentacle dudes). The rest is simple. Bosses are complicated in the way that pure tank'n'spank isn't a really viable tactic.