World-of-warcraft – the ooze priority for Yor’sahj the Unsleeping

world of warcraft

The third boss on the first half of the dragon soul raid is the unsleeping. On the raid finder version purple is the priority, is this the case with the real raid? If not what is the new priority to kill the oozes he summons? Which color should never get to him?

Best Answer

My guild actually does the opposite order of the other answer.

  1. Green
  2. Yellow
  3. Purple

We stay stacked up the entire fight when not killing slimes. Purple is only dangerous if more than the tanks need to be healed. Don't use aoe heals and assign one healer per tank (if you are using two) we use two in our 25 man to make tank healing easier. Have those two healers only use big heals and only when necessary. If you must make the tank blow up make sure they have enough health to survive and it shouldn't be a big deal. We have plenty of dps without needing to go with one tank.

As mentioned in the other answer, when you get Yellow, Green, and Red (The most dangerous combo) kill Green Always! That way you can stack up and use raid cooldowns to survive the phase. The healing lead asks for each players cooldown as needed.

A lot of players are scared of Purple, and I admit, in the raid finder, Purple will probably always be the most dangerous. That is because you cannot communicate healing assignments as easily. In a normal mode, with voice communication and a good group of players, Purple is easy to deal with.