World-of-warcraft – The Sub-Tiers of PvE Raid gear (MoP)

world of warcraft

I have noticed that there are 5 'Sub-Tiers' for the gear dropped in Raids:

  1. Heroic Warforged – iLvl 572 (Max 588) [Upgrade: +6]
  2. Heroic – iLvl 566 (Max 582) [Upgrade: +7]
  3. Warforged – iLvl 559 (Max 575) [Upgrade: +6]
  4. Normal – iLvl 553 (Max 569) [Upgrade: +13]
  5. Flexible – iLvl 540 (Max 556) [Upgrade: +12]
  6. LFR – iLvl 528 (Max 544)

I Understand that LFR drops from LFR Raids, Flexible from Flex Raids, Normal from Normal Raids and Heroic from Heroic Raids.

I have noticed that Warforged gives +6 item Level.

What I do not understand, is how to get the Warforged items? Do you have to manually do something to upgrade them? Are there special conditions under which you could loot these?

Also, can you get the Set Pieces (Head, Shoulders, Gloves, Legs, Chest) as a Warforged item?

Best Answer

From the wowwiki page:

Warforged (and "Heroic Warforged") is a new sub-type of raid item drop quality introduced with Patch 5.4 in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid similar to the Thunderforged and Heroic Thunderforged items. Each Patch 5.4 raid boss will have a chance of dropping this new designation of a particular item that's 6 item levels higher than their Normal or Heroic mode counterparts.

Also see the wowpedia page:

Warforged items are upgrades of non-Tier 16 items that have a slim chance to drop from Normal and Heroic mode boss encounters in Siege of Orgrimmar or in world boss Ordos. The Warforged designation awards an additional six item levels to an item — where a normal mode item has an item level of 553, a Warforged normal item is item level 559. The same applies for Heroic items: regular Heroic items are item level 566, whereas Heroic Warforged items are item level 572. While drop rates for Warforged items are rare, they will be slightly more common in 25-player modes as compared to 10-player modes. Additionally, using a Warforged Seal (the Patch 5.4.0 equivalent of an [Elder Charm of Good Fortune] or [Mogu Rune of Fate]) will afford a chance to receive a Warforged item.

So to answer your questions:

Q. What I do not understand, is how to get the Warforged items?
A. It's a chance on any non-tier drop from a siege of ogrimmar raid boss.

Q. Also, can you get the Set Pieces (Head, Shoulders, Gloves, Legs, Chest) as a Warforged item?
A. No, only non-tier items can roll into a warforged version.