World-of-warcraft – Using an XBOX360 wireless controller in WoW used to work but not anymore (Windows 7 x64) using Xpadder software

controllersworld of warcraftxpadder

I played WoW 2 months ago and I was able to use my XBOX360 wireless controller without any problem, that is great to reduce risk for RSI!

Now I cant use it anymore, why?

It works in the operating system Windows 7 x64. For example the left analog stick is the mouse and that works flawlessly in the OS?

Best Answer

This was a question on a recent episode of the Instance. I don't recall the exact details, but you apparently need a third-party add-on to get the controller working in WoW. It's not in my podcatcher anymore, but I'm pretty sure it was episode 219.

Though, if the OS uses it as a mouse, it seems like WoW ought to be able to use that.