World-of-warcraft – What are some of the details on taming wild pets

world of warcraft

I know wild pets will exist in Mists of Pandaria and that they must be at 35% of their health or lower before the option to capture them is unlocked, but I ended up with a few questions based off my years of taming pets as a Hunter. Is it possible to accidentally kill a wild pet while trying to tame them? Can you use all three pets on your team to defeat a wild pet or is it just one on one? Once captured, do they level up to an appropriate level for your pet battling, or do you need to level each up individually?

Best Answer

Pet Battle Action Bar

Above is the action bar during pet battles. Each pet is able to use up to three attacks/abilities, these are buttons one to three. Button four allows you to swap your current pet for another and button five allows you to trap the current wild pet you are fighting. The last option is Forfeit that allows you to flee the current battle to fight another day!

Once you have trained the ability to battle with pets, you are able to track creatures that can be captured using 'Track Pets' on your mini map:

Track Pets

To start a pet battle, simply find a suitable wild pet and right click on them to begin a pet battle.

In order to attempt to capture a pet you must fight until your target pet is below 35% health. This will enable the capture button. You potentially could accidentally defeat the pet by continuing to attack below 35% rather than using the 'Capture' button.

Using the capture button will allow you to attempt to capture the wild pet. It is not a guaranteed capture, but at lower levels it is generally successful.