World-of-warcraft – Where is the leather working trainer in Warsong hold

world of warcraft

I have looked around in Warsong hold, but I cannot locate the leather working trainer. There appears to be every other profession trainer in there. Where is the leather trainer? I searched bit on the internet and found this page, from what I can see there is a leather trainer in Dalaran, is there only one in the whole of Northrend?

Best Answer

Seeing that you look for a trainer in Warsong Hold I guess you don't need the Alliance ones. Here are the leather working trainers accessible to Horde players located in Northrend.

The closest one actually is right there in the Borean Tundra:
Just look for Awan Iceborn in Taunka'Le Village (Coords 76,37) Borean Tundra

Another one is in Icecrown:
Kul'de is with his colleagues on the Argent Tournament Grounds and accessible to Horde and Alliance players (71, 21) enter image description here

The last one of the trainers not located in Dalaran is in the Howling Fjord:
Gunter Hansen will wait for you in the starting area of the Horde of that region, Vengeance Landing (78, 28) enter image description here

Just for the record, Alliance players have a similar amount and location of leather working trainers:

  • Rosemary Bovard in Valiance Keep, Borean Tundra
  • Bernadette Dexter in Valgarde, Howling Fjord
  • the neutral Kul'de in Icecrown mentioned above