world-of-warcraft – Why Does it Take 60 Minutes Before You Can Collect Money from an Auction’s Sale in World of Warcraft?

world of warcraft

Why does it take 60 minutes before you can collect money from an auction's sale?

On the contrary, when you put an item to sale, it becomes available for buyer instantly.

Best Answer

The auction message delays were introduced in patch 2.2.0. There doesn't seem to be a definitive answer about why Blizzard introduced it, but this thread discusses reasons as to why. Some include:

  • Getting gold sellers off the market (this seems to be the biggest reason)
  • Getting you to play longer
  • Allowing GM's a chance to review transactions and aid in fraudulent transactions

A lot of the people on that thread also remember seeing on the official patch notes a reason as to why the delay was introduced, and it was to get gold sellers of the market. Unfortunately, it looks like the official patch notes are no longer available off the games website.