World-of-warcraft – Will the characters still be on WoW after many years of not playing

world of warcraft

I haven't played WOW for maybe 8 years or so. My subscription would have ended about the same time. If I resubscribe and download WoW again will I be able to start where I left off with my old characters or will I have to start from scratch? I managed to sign in after resetting my password and the status of my account is BANNED.

Best Answer

Call Blizzard support. There are lots of reasons why an account can get banned (unless of course you broke the rules yourself then you know the reason) for example, they will ban accounts that get compromised, but if you can prove it's really you this time, they can unban and reactivate your account. Banned account does not mean that characters are deleted. I've known several people who came back to WoW after many years to find their stuff gone and/or accounts banned, and a call to Blizzard support fixed it all up for them.