World-of-warcraft – With autorun on, how can I ensure click-to-move kicks in when I click on an object or NPC

world of warcraft

I was forced to reinstall my game after the MoP patch came out.

I used to have my preferences set up in a way where I could put autorun on, but when I right-clicked an NPC or an object, click-to-move would kick in and it would walk me to that object and stop me at it.

If I try doing that now with click-to-move enabled, not only will I not turn in the direction where I've clicked, but I also won't stop walking.

This is frustrating me a lot. How can I get the original functionality back?

Best Answer

I just tested this out, and with Click to Move on I still can't bind the right mouse button (used for Click to Move) to autorun.

I suspect you had two different settings - Click to Move which works as you described, and Toggle Autorun under Key Bindings, in the Movement Keys section, bound to something else (maybe Middle Mouse, which is bindable).