World-of-warcraft – WoW macro for target

world of warcraft

I have a macro idea and I need someone to help write it!

I stopped on

1st macro:

/SET "something what ident that it is variable" %t

2nd macro:

/target "variable?" 

/run SetRaidTarget("target", 1)

Of course it could be optimised etc. etc.

You set a specific mob for variable and then use it name looking for more of those.

Best Answer

You could be a little more specific about what you want. Perhaps an example of a situation where this macro could be used would help?

There is no way to "store" a target for future use in an arbitrary variable. You can't do like "Set my target as the KILLTHIS variable" and then later "Target KILLTHIS."

The methods available are:

  • Target
  • Focus
  • Direct access via name ("Ragnaros")
  • Indirect access ("party2target," "targettarget," "pettarget")

There is no way, for example, to set a Skull raid icon on something and then later target it by virtue of it simply having the Skull icon over it. In order to do something like that, you would need to store the mob in question as a Focus, then later target your Foucs. A lot of Crowd Control macros use Focus for exactly this purpose.

If this is the thing you are trying to do, then I could go into more detail on how to use Focus to store off a target for later use. But I suspect the answer to what you are trying to ask is "Sorry, you cannot do that."