World transfer button disappeared after login, how to carry on


Today when I started LOTRO I received a patch. After the log in I discovered two buttons instead of one. The first is 'Play' and the second is 'Transfer'. I'm aware of the world transfer event and wanted to prepare my characters for the transfer.
So I clicked the 'Play' button, prepared the characters and exited the game.
I restarted LOTRO, logged in and found the Transfer button missing!

Is there anything I can do to make the transfer? Did I missed my chance?

24 hours later, the button magically reappeared.
However, I still cannot transfer my characters since the worlds i can transfer from are the same as the new servers! Am I messing up here?

Another update
48 hours after asking the question: Button is missing again. 🙁
72 hours after asking the question: Button is still missing.

yet another update
1 week later: Got an update, button is back again, however… The world with my main characters is not listed as a potential world to transfer from. Also, the target worlds are the same as origin. So now it is basically the same as a week ago but now they switch the server list :(.

Best Answer

Here is a post on the official forums with an update on the world transfers. Hopefully this explains what you've been seeing.