Xbox 360 Bing hijacking Dashboard


Whenever I boot up my console, end a game, or simply tap guide button and Y, the Bing page shows up instead of my Dashboard. My LB works fine and the hijacking is annoying.

I've tried: 1. delete and re-download my profile; 2. clear cache; 3. update rollback; 4. install offline update.

As long as I sign in Xbox Live, Bing hijacks my Dashboard. If I skip sign-in or sign in with no internet, no Bing, no pain.

Only found one post about 2 months ago:

Anyone knows how to fix this? I've wasted way more time than expected. Chat with xbox support did provide some plan like rollback and offline update, but didn't work.

Best Answer

This is probably a problem on microsofts end. I've heard that recently there's been problems with the servers.