Xbox 360 – Fixing Red Light Issues on Power Supply at Startup


The adapter has a red light when we turn the power on at the mains. When it's not connected to the Xbox, it will be orange until we plug it in.

Since this happens at the start, it's not an overheating problem.

After we reset the power at the main enough times, the power does work, and it does not fail as long as we don't turn off the console.

Has anyone ever had this problem and/or know if a new power supply will fix this?

Best Answer

This Microsoft support page lists three reasons why you might get a red light:

  • There is too much current.
  • The voltage is too high.
  • The temperature of the power supply is too high.

You say it happens straight away so that rules out #3.

Have you tried it in a different socket?

If that still fails then you might have to go for Solution 4: Order a replacement.

If the power supply works in a different socket then you need to get your electrics checked. There might be a problem with that socket.