Xbox 360 restarts when switching TV Inputs (HDMI)


This has bothered me for some time. My Xbox is hooked up to my TV through an HDMI cable. Whenever I switch inputs (whether to another HDMI input or component) and then switch back to the Xbox, the Xbox restarts. This makes it impossible to flip back and forth between a TV show and the Xbox for example.

Is this normal? If not, are there any workarounds?

What I've Tried

  • I have already tried different HDMI ports on the TV itself.
  • When hooked up to the TV, other HDMI devices don't exhibit this behavior (PS3 for example)

What I Haven't Tried Yet

  • I could try a different cable but I'd have to borrow it… Would a cable defect explain this?

Best Answer

A similar question on the official Xbox forums. Do you use the adapter shown at the very bottom? If so that might be what causes the issue.

See in this second post where Jaxson 66 mentions that if you are using the optical out for headphones, then swapping back to HDMI will cause the reset.

So in summary, you can "fix" the problem by disconnecting your headphones if switching between inputs when one of those inputs in HDMI. This doesn't really fix your problem, but at least you can work around the issue until they push an Xbox fix or you can get a firmware update on your display.