Xbox – buy Halo Combat Evolved online for a 360


I have an Xbox 360. I'd love to play the original Halo. I can find the discs for all the other Halos, and I can find the CASE for the original Halo, but I can't find the disc.

Is it possible to buy the original Halo online and download it directly to the 360 and play it? Or do I have to buy a physical disc?

FWIW Xbox Live (and/or whatever the online service the Xbox offers) confuses me. On the Xbox 360 I searched for Halo and I FOUND "Halo: Combat Evolved" plus extras…but no screen or button where I could purchase or download it, or see a price. If it is available for online purchase+download, I would appreciate details on the steps needed to do so.

Best Answer

Yes, there is a digital download version of Halo: Combat Evolved for Xbox 360 released in 2007. I own it, and you can still purchase it.

Here it is on the Marketplace. You want the actual game ($9.99), and not the Theme or Picture Pack.