Xbox One – How to Connect Gaming Console Through a Wall to Another Room


I'm looking to wall mount the TV in my lounge, which would give it a nice, clean look. However, I've got an XBox one and want to get an XBox Series X in the future. My partner wants to avoid having an entertainment unit/cabinet for housing these.

There is a cupboard on the other side of the wall behind the TV. I was thinking of getting an electrician to put some cable ducting through the wall so I can put the consoles in the cupboard and run HDMI cables through to the TV.

Will the controllers work through the wall? Are there any other issues with this approach?

Best Answer

I think this would depend heavily on the content of the wall, but in my experience, yes, it will work. This is all anecdotal, but i have a very tiny house so it was easy to test:

My XB1 controllers all work through a wall (or multiple walls) made of regular wood and drywall. Some include wiring, insulation, and aluminum siding (tested from the porch).

Distance from the xbox seems to be the limiting factor in my testing.

However, if a wall contains anything metallic (pipes, metal sheeting, maybe even insulation with metallic backing), you could definitely see issues or a complete disconnect. I was personally surprised the siding didn't affect anything, but I can confirm I stood in my driveway and was able to have a clear voice chat via headphones, at about 20ft away from console.

The only way I could get mine to disconnect personally was to put a wall that contained a lot of plumbing between myself and the console, at about 25ft distance, and it dropped after a few seconds of waving it around.