Xbox – Halo 4 War games Map pass problem


I bought the war games map pass, then entered Halo 4 after it, I checked the Xbox Live Market Place trough Halo 4 and downloaded the 3 map packs, but still I'm not seeing any of the playlist. I saw a question about it from a few months ago but still can't see the playlist. Any ideas of whats going on?

Best Answer

I don't think those DLC-only playlists exist anymore.

Typically when Halo map packs are released, there will be a playlist that only contains the maps from that map pack. This way players can play the new maps easily, without having to also play the old maps they're tired of playing. However, after a while, the new maps will be folded into the rest of the play lists, and the DLC-only play lists will go away.

Halo Waypoint has a list of the currently active play lists. I think most of them use any map packs that you've downloaded automatically, but I'm not positive on that.

If you want to check if Halo 4 is picking up your map packs (once they're fully downloaded), you should be able to start a private match and pick one of the downloaded maps.

If the download finishes while you're in the game, you'll need to restart the game for it to find the maps.