Xbox – How to detach the tow cable


In Star Wars: Battlefront, when flying the snow speeder, I can launch the tow cable (by pressing Y on Xbox One) and circle an AT-AT and kill it just fine. At the end of killing an AT-AT, the "mission control" voice frantically says "Detach the tow cable!", but there is no on-screen prompt as to what button to use or how to detach the tow cable at all.

The first four or five times I killed an AT-AT, I couldn't detach the cable and just kept circling until I crashed into the downed AT-AT and lost a life. Eventually I found through button mashing that turbo boosting forces the cable to detach, but it is a challenge not to turbo boost right into the ground when coming off an AT-AT kill.

What's the correct way to detach the tow cable on the XBox One?

Best Answer

The tow cable will automatically detach when you receive the "Success!" message. Anything else is a bug.