Xbox – How to get games to stop pausing automatically when the controller turns off


I'm playing through Fable III as a good guy, so I need to amass a ton of cash. I own everything there is to own in Albion – now it's time to wait for those income payments to roll in. When my Xbox controller turns off after a period of inactivity, the game pauses and income stops coming in until I touch it again. This is not ideal.

Can I either

  • Get the game or the Xbox to stop pausing when the controller goes to sleep; or
  • Get the controller to stop going to sleep after a period of inactivity?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, there isn't any way to keep the game from pausing when your controller shuts off. However, there is a way to keep the controller from turning off. Sadly, you need either a wired controller, or the Play 'n Charge Kit.

enter image description here

By connecting the controller via the USB port on your Xbox, it will keep the controller from powering off, allowing you to rake in the digital dough.