Xbox – How to get promoted to Masters in League Play


I was wondering how you get promoted to Masters in Black Ops 2. I've been playing a lot of league play where I get on a win streak of a few games then lose. I am in Platinum currently, but can't seem to get bumped up even though I beat a lot of masters ranked people and play with them regularly, often times I'm one of two people that are platinum and the rest are Masters. Does anyone know what it will take to get bumped up to masters? I'm just trying to figure out the system so that I can get into masters.

Best Answer

Basically, you have to be one of the best.

According to the rules, it's all about winning, plain and simple.


There are six divisions that reflect the approximate skill distribution of the active population in a Series.

Masters: top 2% of the active population.
Platinum: next 18%.
Gold: next 20%.
Silver: next 20%.
Bronze: next 20%.
Bronze: bottom 20%.

You will start in a Division based on your hidden skill rating determined by placement matches. As you play, if you win enough you may be promoted to a higher Division.