Xbox – How to get the Combat Engineer ribbon


I am trying to get the "Combat Engineer" ribbon in Horde 2.0 mode of Gears of War 3. The gears wiki says

Combat Engineer: Build, repair, and or upgrade 5 fortifications during wave-half time.

I am playing gears by myself and have purchased 5 different items in between waves numerous time but I never seem to get this ribbon (I have received it once but don't remember when). Does it only count if I buy barriers? Or can I buy decoys and turrets as well? Do I have to be playing co-op with someone else or can I get the ribbon while playing by myself? Does it matter which map I use? Just general help on what I am doing wrong would be appreciated.

Best Answer


  • You cannot get the ribbon while playing alone. There must be other people playing with you. Plugging in a second controller might help, haven't tried it.

  • You can only get the ribbon once per spawn or once you fail a wave. So, if you have gotten one ribbon, there is no second ribbon in the same life. So , if you are only after the ribbon, just die, or restart manually after getting the ribbon, repeat until 100, which will give you the Infinite Ammo Mutator.

  • Which map you play does not matter.