Xbox – How to make backwards-compatible 360 games see Xbox One storage

backwards compatibilityxbox-one

When I e.g. start Mass Effect (a backwards-compatible 360 game) on my Xbox One, it asks me what storage device I want to store saves on, but only gives me the option of using cloud storage. I don't want to do this, both because my Internet is spotty and because I'm letting my XBL Gold lapse at the end of the month. How can I make these 360 games see local storage on my Xbox One?

It would be OK if they could use a flash drive I plug into a USB port (though this solution is sub-optimal since I usually have three controllers plugged in), but I don't have a spare flash drive and don't want to buy one when I don't know if it will work.

It would be more ideal, then, if I could get 360 game data saving working with my XB1's internal storage, but OK if I can do it with a flash drive. Any help?

Best Answer

The Virtual Xbox360 is not able to use any external storage devices connected to the XboxOne.

As outlined in the Xbox One Backwards compatibility FAQ, the Xbox360 shares saves with the Xbox one via cloud storage. This is because it's the storage the 360 has access to.

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