Xbox – How to tell which games have local cooperative multiplayer


I've always wanted a gaming console. I figured I wanted a PS3 but when I looked into it it seems like Xbox 360 has more games that support couch coop ( = 2 player on the same console)

I want to buy the console that has the most local cooperative multiplayer games. The specific games that I've found so far are:

Xbox 360

  • Gears of War 1/2
  • Halo reach
  • Halo ODST
  • Left 4 Dead 2
  • Earth defence force 2017
  • Perfect dark Zero


  • Resistance: Fall of man
  • Resistance 2
  • ??

Both Consoles:

  • Rainbow six Vegas 1/2
  • Borderlands
  • Resident Evil 5
  • Splinter Cell conviction
  • Army of two 1/2
  • Lord of the rings conquest
  • Lego Starwars/Indiana Jones/Batman
  • Kane and lynch
  • Fifa, Nhl, Madden

The way I see it Xbox 360 is better for couch coop. Have I missed any games that are worth mentioning? How do I tell which games on a given console have local cooperative multiplayer?

Best Answer

What's mostly missing from these recommendations are all the amazing digital download coop games, which quite frankly take up most of my time.

Games like:

Castle Crashers (Xbox 360 only right now) ilomilo (Xbox 360 only) Trine (PS3 only right now) Fat Princess (PS3 only) Bomberman (both platforms)

If you don't own either PS3 or Xbox 360, then either console will have enough new games you haven't played that you ultimately won't feel short changed, because both have a catalog of games quite big now. If you have to pick a console, then look at the exclusive games you see above and decide if there are certain games you must have, ie. Gears of War, which is an Xbox 360 only game.

For even more coop games you should check out the site: It's dedicated towards cataloging all coop games, and has a great system telling you if a game has local coop or not.

I will say this: If you enjoy entertainment with a partner, maybe you should go with PS3, because then you can watch BluRay movies, which is always more fun with people around:)