Xbox – Is it possible to recover lost Xbox 360 Achievments


I was playing some Skyrim earlier when my cat rubbed up against the console and turned off my 360. I left it off and went to run some errands. I returned to continue playing later on and it took me a while to realize my two thousand achievement points were gone. All of them. I checked to make sure I was signed onto MY Xbox Live account and I was. I logged out, logged back in and they were still gone. I restarted my 360 and the same thing. Just before posting this I visited Xbox's site on my account and my account looks like it's been reformatted. Is there anything that can be done about this?

Best Answer

You're not the only one having this issue, this seems to be a problem with Microsoft, see here. They currently state (on this page):

If you are experiencing issues with zero Achievements and Gamerscores you may need to delete and recover your profile. Details on how to do this can be found here.

Your cat is off the hook then...