Xbox – Isn’t there a CMOS battery in Xbox 360 to preserve date&time setting


Everytime a power failure occurs, the date&time setting in my Xbox 360 resets to year 2005. It's annoying because some games keep track of my progress using the date&time (e.g. Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012). It is also bad because save data also records date&time and whenever I need to load a saved data, it shows me 2005.

Isn't there a CMOS battery in Xbox 360 to preserve the date&time setting? If there is, I'm going to suspect mine has drained. If there is not, what are my chances to preserve the date&time setting?

Note: I also use an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) with my Xbox 360 for safety, but I have to turn it off every night just because if the electricity cuts off at night, it wakes me up with an irritating warning sound.

Best Answer

To answer the title's question, no, there is not. Google's opinion (for instance, the post here, waay at the bottom) is that there's only limited ability for the xbox to retain real-time date/time tracking; at best it can last 12 hours when unplugged, at worst 45 minutes. Since you said you turn off the UPS every night I bet that's what's happening...try leaving the power connected for a night and see if it does the same thing. Posts also abound claiming that as long as you're connected to XBL it should auto-update the time on boot.