Xbox – Missing pushups in UFC Trainer


I am about 3 days into my first 30 day challenge on UFC Trainer and have been getting frustrated that the game isn't picking up all of my push-ups.
I can grind out 20 or so ( don't laugh (; ) in the allotted time, but can barely get the game to register 12 or 13.
Does anyone have any tips on getting all of my push-ups to count?
I've tried going slower, adjusting the angle of the Kinect, adjusting the angle of my head while I do push-ups, nothing seems to make a difference.
I am thinking it is something to do with being low to the floor, as I experience some trouble with situps as well.
I'm working out on hardwood floors, could that make a difference?

Thanks to anyone with some advice.

Best Answer

The Kinect isn't really optimized for people laying on the floor - the angle and distance that Microsoft recommends is really designed for people standing up or (potentially) sitting on a couch. I seem to remember reading that the "sitting on the couch" use case to be one they added support for late in the project.

Even standing up, the Kinect doesn't really have 100% accuracy. My family is usually repeatedly frustrated trying to play games with it, even though we've done everything we can to make the Kinect work optimally.

For lying on the floor, you're going to have to experiment with the position and angle of the sensor to get the best results. If it's on top of your TV, try moving it lower. If it's low already, try moving it higher. You may need to get slightly further or closer to the sensor as well. Run the Kinect Tuner between adjustments to give the Kinect the best chance of finding you.

Your motion during the exercise may also matter. Generally, the more motion and the more your distance from the sensor changes, the better chances you have at being detected. However, some of this depends on the game as well as the Kinect.

Unfortunately, it's hard to say what's going to work best - people reporting similar problems said their solutions ran the gamut.

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