Xbox – Options for playing Xbox Live on a strict public internet connection


I'm going to be working/living a facility with ridiculous internet security for a few months. Does anyone know how I can still play on Xbox Live?

Is there a mobile hotspot capable of supporting XBL, and if so, what kind of data plan would I need?

Best Answer

Yes. My home broadband has notoriously bad XBOX Live performace (high pings, dropouts, etc) so I recently got a MiFi dongle and connected the Xbox to that. As long as the dongle has good signal you should be fine.

My dongle (on UK Mobile network 3) has a 15GB monthly limit - a two hour Xbox Live sessions uses around 50MB. I don't use voice chat or do any extra downloads, it's just Halo: Reach matchmaking. I didn't need to open any ports, the Xbox auto-negotiates the connection fine.