Xbox – Privacy on XBox Live


So, my boss is awesome. He is super nice and a really good boss to boot.

Today we happened to be discussing XBox gaming and found that we currently like the same game (Black Ops).

So we did what any normal gamers would do and exchanged gamer tags.

Now, I am looking forward to playing online with my boss. But at the same time I am a bit worried.

I sometimes play during lunch (I work at home some days) and I would not want his family (whom he shares the XBox with) saying "Vaccano was online during work today". (My boss may not care, but I don't want that stigma.)

Is there any way to easily hide when I am online and when I am not? (Note, I don't always want to hide that I am online or I will miss out on game invites.)

Best Answer

The easiest way is to bring up the mini dash (with the guide). Setttings page-> Preferences->Online Status->Appear Offline. This is also where you change it back to Online, Away, or Busy. Youtube Guide

If I'm 'sick' from class I usually unplug my ethernet cable first, sign in with my profile, change my status to offline, and then connect to live. I'm pretty sure this stops it from showing up as signed in X hours ago.