Xbox – Proper Finger Placement on Rock Band 3 Pro Keys


It's been a long time since my childhood piano lessons, and now, with Rock Band 3's introduction of the Keyboard Instrument, it's time to learn it all over again.

The Rock Band keyboard has notches on the left-most key at the left end of each colored section (sans the outermost red and orange sections).

Product Shot of Rock Band 3 Wireless Keyboard

What is the ideal finger placement on this keyboard when playing in Pro Keys mode?

Best Answer

I assume you mean this in the context of both hands? This peripheral is only intended to be played one-handed, and most of the parts are charted exactly that way. Therefore, ideal finger placement is just wherever the particular chart in question dictates you place your fingers.

(Of course, some expert parts are difficult enough that you may want to use both hands, but in those cases you won't be RESTING your hands for any period of time anyway...)