Xbox – Should I wait for the install to complete before playing


This is strictly related to the Xbox One as I do not know how the process works for PS4.

During the installation process of a game, the notification comes up "Ready to Start".

I've noticed on some games that even though it said it was ready, I couldn't play the game. It would bring me to the start screen but when I tried to start, it would tell me to wait until installation is complete.

Is there any risk to start playing games while they are still installing? Possible data corruption of the install, or save game data?

Best Answer

I've been informed a game was ready to start only to find that it needed to download more a few times. It's a little frustrating.

I've never had any issues with corruption or anything like that as a result of playing the game once it finally let me. If the game allows you to play it before the download is 100% complete, that is by design, so it shouldn't be any more likely to corrupt your data then any other time it is operating by design.

That being said, not all development houses are created equal, and sometimes bugs will slip through. So, no one can tell you definitively that this will never happen. You should be fine, though.