Xbox – the fastest way to earn tank EXP in World of Tanks


Ok, so I have a tier 4 scout, and its next upgrade takes like 5,000 EXP to research. So what would be the easiest way to earn that much EXP in a short amount of time?

Best Answer

Damage dealt is the primary source of xp, damage dealt to higher tier tanks even more so. If you can damage enemy tanks, especially high tier enemies, you'll get xp. If you can't damage enemies, the next best bet, especially in a tier four light is to assist allies in doing damage. The two ways to do this and get credit are to track enemies that receive damage while tracked by you, or to spot enemies that allies who otherwise wouldn't be able to see shoot while lit by you. Working in coordination with your teammates is essential for getting assistance credit for the damage they do, but by lighting enemies you can get significant xp.

Another option is to take a path that doesn't go through a tier four light, because if the matchmaking for them is as bad as in the PC version, it's often easier to not go up against so many high tier tanks (tier fours got matchmade as dedicated scouts in higher tier matches).

Other than focusing on xp generation, another very important thing for playing well and maximizing xp gain is to know when a risk is worth it and when you should really be preserving your hp. Health is a resource to manage, and light tanks can do considerably better in the later game, when enemies are alone.