Xbox – Transferring old partition info to the new hard drive for Xbox 360


I just bought a new hard drive to replace the 20GB hard drive in the Halo 3 Edition system. I want to use it in the detachable shell on the top of the system, but I'm having problems getting the old partition info from the old drive to the new one.

Can anyone give me some instructions on how this is done?

Best Answer

You may be able to use a program called Horizon to copy the info to a usb thumb drive and then to your new drive if you have access to a second sata connection on your computer. you would have to dismantle the old harddrive as well...which I believe required a security torx driver (maybe t6?). This program saved my hindside seriously when I had a faulty sandisk card switch to read only and microsoft had no solution and suggested my data was permanently destroyed...the program recognized all saved games and save files and I was able to copy them all despite some having copy protections...good luck