Xbox – Why does the weapon switch to non-automatic in Battlefield 3


I don't know if I am accidentally hitting a button and not knowing it, missing a feature that I didn't read about, or keep hitting a bug that hasn't been fixed – but my guns sometimes are no longer automatic.

I am still rather new, and these are using whatever the default guns are for each class.

I will be playing, and the gun is automatic, as in, I hold the trigger button (RT) down and shoot several bullets. This is the way I would always expect it to work, unless I was using a weapon I knew was non-automaic, like a sniper rifle or basic handgun.

Every once in a while though, usually after a respawn or revive, but also after changing from a vehicle back to non-vehicle, the weapon will go into a non-automatic mode. As in, if I hold down the trigger, only one bullet comes out until I press the trigger again.

I know my weapon hasn't changed, nor my class – its the same weapon. But suddenly it is no longer automatic.

This will even last through respawns, and class changes. For example, if I am support, then engineer, the next 'what should be automatic weapon' is not. But then, suddenly it will be maybe after another respawn, etc.

I can not pinpoint why this happens. I don't know if I end up hitting a certain button not knowing it (I have sometimes accidentally changed classes waiting to respawn not knowing it). What is causing this? Can you turn on/off the automatic setting on weapons in BF3? Is this some glitch?

Best Answer

Quite a few weapons in the game feature both automatic and semi-automatic firing.

To switch between the two, you simply press on the D-pad. Given the poor design of the Xbox 360 D-Pad, it is very possible that you are (and you've already stated this) accidentally hitting down as you are also hitting left or right to toggle between the varying kit tools (ammo, rockets/mines, grenade launcher).

If you find yourself firing a single shot when you feel you should instead be firing fully automatic, try hitting down again.